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Onya Baby is WHO-Code Compliant
Did you know? Onya Baby supports breastfeeding mothers everywhere. We’ve entered our second year as a proud member of  the C.A.R.E.-WHO Alliance. The “WHO-CODE” is short for the World Health Organization’s International Code of the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. The C.A.R.E.-WHO Alliance program and its seal rewards and recognizes businesses that protect healthy infant feeding by marketing them to moms and the media.  All of our Allies pledge to uphold a core set...
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Babywearing is Excellent Weight-Bearing Exercise: Grab your Baby Carrier and Go!
Babywearing is excellent weight-bearing exercise, and what better way to include your baby in your daily activities than by carrying them in a baby carrier? In honor of National Sports and Physical Fitness Month, we’d like to share some ideas and resources to help you get moving and active – and healthy – with your baby. Get out there: Hiking with your children is a wonderful way to show them...
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Babywearing: How to Find a Hiking Trail Wherever You Are
Are your feet itching for a hike? Babywearing makes it possible for you to get out into terrain that’s foot-friendly, but not stroller-friendly. So when you’ve got a nice day and a few hours to spare, grab your favorite baby carrier and get out there! You’ll be getting the awesome benefits of fresh air and exercise, all while showing your baby the wide and wonderful world of nature. Win-win! Here...
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Babywearing Safety Tip: Close Enough to Kiss
Tweet When talking about babywearing safety, you might have heard people say that your baby should be “close enough to kiss.” But what does that mean, exactly? Simply put, it means that, when you’re carrying your baby in a sling or baby carrier on your front, your baby’s head should be high enough that you can easily tip your head down and plant a kiss on your baby’s head or...
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Evolution, Parenting and Babywearing…
Evolutionary parenting: why babywearing makes sense.   Picture it: you’re in your cave, snuggled in the warm furs and leaves of your bedding with your family sleeping around you. Your baby, tucked in the nook of your arm, nurses at your breast. You sleep together, keeping each other warm during the cold winters, and you know where each child is during the night. But now, as the sun begins its...
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