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Babywearing 101: Healthy hip positioning. It matters.
When you’re thinking about which baby carrier to purchase, there are several things you need to keep in mind. Safety, comfort (for both you and your baby), and even great features are, of course, all very important, but not everyone thinks about healthy hip positioning. The word is getting out that it’s something to keep at the top of your list when choosing your baby carrier, which is a good...
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Can babywearing eliminate the need for tummy time?
Do you think babywearing can eliminate the need for tummy time in the prevention and/or cure of positional plagiocephaly (a.k.a., flat-head syndrome)? In 1994, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) released its recommendation to parents to put their baby on their backs to sleep. According to the AAP, the recommendation, which became known as the “Back to Sleep” campaign has reduced the incidence of SIDS by 50% since its inception...
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Babywearing exercise: Body Moving with your toddler.
A guest post by Kelli Roschak, creator the The Babywearing Workout, Mama’s Little Personal Trainer. Most of you probably already know a lot of the benefits of babywearing for both Mama (or other wearer) and Baby. If you’re like me, you probably wear your baby/toddler a lot of the time, which makes it easy to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Just wearing them while you are doing the dishes...
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Babywearing Exercises -30 Min Workout
Babywearing Exercises at Nap Time Guest post by Kelli Roschak, the creator of The Babywearing Workout, a 30-minute exercise video that you can do with your baby in the comfort of your own living room. All you need is your baby and a soft baby carrier, and you’ll have everything you need to get fit while keeping your baby right where she should be, on you. She’s teamed up with...
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