Video: Get Outside and Love Winter Babywearing!

Babywearing in a  winter wonderland is truly wonderful. Not only does it keep both you and your baby warmer, but it also eases the aggravation of trying to get around in the snow with your baby. Ever tried pushing your stroller through the snow or over a snow bank to get to the sidewalk? No, thank you!

With the wonders of winter babywearing in mind, we share with you the second installment of our babywearing through the seasons series. Our goal was to capture the simple joy of being together outside in the winter. We hope you feel that feeling of coziness, warmth, and wonder while you watch it!

Find our fall babywearing video in the Season Series on our YouTube channel!

Babywearing in the winter is wonderful and really the easiest way to get outside, but there are some safety tips to remember:

  1. ALWAYS make sure your baby’s face remains uncovered to allow for adequate breathing.
  2. WATCH your footing when it’s slippery! Wear a pair of ice grips on your boots.
  3. READ our full category of winter babywearing tips and tricks!

What’s your favorite thing about babywearing in winter? Tell us below!

Happy babywearing adventures!