Babywearing is Excellent Weight-Bearing Exercise: Grab your Baby Carrier and Go!

babywearing hike baby carrier

Babywearing is excellent weight-bearing exercise, and what better way to include your baby in your daily activities than by carrying them in a baby carrier? In honor of National Sports and Physical Fitness Month, we’d like to share some ideas and resources to help you get moving and active – and healthy – with your baby.

  • Get out there: Hiking with your children is a wonderful way to show them the beauty of their natural environment and get some great exercise at the same time. The sun, fresh air and your movement is sure to lift your spirits. Are you wondering where to find a local hiking spot? Here’s a helpful post that can help you do just that, no matter where you are.
  • Throw on some music and dance around your living room, your bedroom, your kitchen while you cook…wherever you are. All you need is your baby, you carrier and some music. What’s another bonus, aside from the great exercise you’ll get from moving? You might find that the music and your movements put your baby in a good mood, too. You might even end up with a sleeping baby. And we all love a sleeping baby, don’t we? Oh, and yes, we have a post about that, too.

Check out these great sites for babywearing exercises and other goodies:

How about you? What do you do to get moving with your baby?
Happy Babywearing!