Babywearing While Pregnant: Part Two
The second in a two-post series about babywearing while pregnant;
by Dr. Daniel Dodge, DC, CACCP
There are a number of options for babywearing while pregnant. Soft-structured carriers, ring slings, and woven wraps are all great options for expectant mothers. Many parents prefer soft-structured carriers, like an Onya Baby carrier. They’re easy to snap on and go. They can be worn on the front through the early weeks of pregnancy and easily switched to the back when front wearing is no longer comfortable. Some women like the extra support that the waist-belt gives to the belly when strapped underneath during a back carry. Soft-structured carriers typically have padded, comfortable waistbands that easily adjust in length. Ring slings are a great option that allow for easy side carries later into pregnancy. Woven wraps are a great versatile option that allow for a variety of carries throughout pregnancy. Front and side wrap carries are great through early pregnancy and can more easily allow for above the bump front carries for further into pregnancy. There are a number of different back carries that can be done with woven wraps as well. While woven wrap carries can take a few tries to master, depending on the length of the wrap, they can offer a wide range of carrying choices.
A Few Carrying Options for Babywearing While Pregnant
To wear your older child in a soft-structured carrier on your back, chose a “hip scoot” or “the sit start” (watch Onya Baby’s great back carry video to see these methods demonstrated) to place your baby on your back. Ensure that the waistband of your carrier is secure and comfortable. Typically, mothers prefer for the waistband to be placed all the way below the belly, nearly reaching the top of the pelvis.
Wrapping with a woven wrap allows a good deal of versatility and adjustability for expectant mothers. The double hammock carry allows for the fabric and weight of the baby to be distributed across the chest and shoulders, which may be preferable in the later stages of pregnancy. As with wearing a soft-structured carrier, use caution when placing your baby on your back, and be sure check out the the “hip scoot” or “sit start” methods on the Onya Baby YouTube channel. View how wrap a double hammock for more information on securing a safe carry.
A rucksack carry in a woven wrap is a quick, simple carry often preferred for short duration babywearing or carrying older toddlers, and often is used by experienced wrappers. During pregnancy, it can be a great wrap carry option to keep the carrier above the belly. View how to wrap a rucksack carry for more information on using this carry.
Use caution while continuing to wear your older child during pregnancy and consult your care providers when any uncomfortable or concerning changes occur. Enjoy the opportunity to wear the soon-to-be big brother or sister! What a special time to cherish the babyhood of your older child while expecting a new baby.
Be sure to read the first post in the series: Babywearing while Pregnant!
About the Author:Dr. Daniel Dodge, DC CACCP is a board certified prenatal and pediatric chiropractor with a family wellness practice in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area of Texas. He has been wearing his own two children since his son’s birth in 2010. He and his wife offer babywearing support and consultations to patients and local families as part of their mission to provide holistic wellness care to the entire family. You can also find them on Facebook.