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Written with Jennifer Pitkin, IBCLC, RLC. We all produce milk differently. Some of us produce less than we’d like. Not to worry! Here are some great tips for building supply while breastfeeding. Tips for increasing your supply: 1. Feed your baby! Check out a little video from Onya Baby on how to breastfeed while babywearing! It’s super easy to give your baby nature’s original happy meal. 2. Wear your baby! ...
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We’re thrilled about our latest soft structured carrier review by Erin from Simply Real Moms: “Who says you can’t have it all? Need a baby carrier that doubles as a seat–you’ve got it with Onya Baby Carriers! I love the Onya Baby Carrier and the fact that it offers the seat option. It is perfect for the on-the-go family who wears their baby for a walk to dinner, or possibly...
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Breastfeeding Month is drawing to a close, and we thought it would be a good send-off to share some of our favorite breastfeeding resources to help you help your baby and yourself, should you ever need it. Sometimes it’s good to have a place to go where you feel safe discussing your breastfeeding challenges or difficulties, or sharing your joys and successes. Whether you breastfeed your baby for three months...
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A baby carrier is an important tool in infant attachment and parental awareness of baby’s well-being. An oldie-but-goodie: a landmark study at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons shows strong statistical significance between close physical contact and the healthy development of attachment in babies. When baby is worn in a baby carrier, both baby and parent benefit. An excerpt form the conclusion: “The process of being carried close to...
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Breastfeeding, babywearing, and bringing Baby home a guest post by Jennifer Pitkin, IBCLC Congratulations! You have a new baby! Whether it’s your first or your fifth, you’re beginning a long and amazing journey, as unique and individual as both you and your baby. As you begin to learn about your baby, and as your baby begins learns to more about you, keep baby home. Where is home? Home, for your baby, is...
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